Where has my motivation gone?

Let’s face it, motivation can be there one day and gone the next. We all have experienced this at some point along the journey of life and career. How many times have we said to ourselves, “I can’t get motivated, it’s just not there for me right now.” The aftermath of being in that state for too long is we fall into a slump and find it hard to get going again.

Motivation can be created. The motivation to get back to the gym, start that new venture, or do that paper work you have been putting off for so long is created by getting in touch with how you will FEEL about yourself and life once you have achieved the task or goal.

The first step in this process of finding motivation is to focus on the desired outcome - feeling great, powerful, on top, in control again. This is creating DESIRE.

Holding space within yourself of that DESIRE will begin to shift your emotions to awaken the MOTIVATION you need that will be the spark that’s kicks you into action. What will emerge is the though process of “I am going to do this!”

Focus creates DESIRE. Desire creates MOTIVATION. Motivation creates ACTION. Taking action leads us to FULFILMENT.

So how about you take moment, focus in on how you will feel once you have achieved your task or goal allowing those positive feelings to arise, then grab hold of that emerging motivation you need today.


Hang on, am I over reacting?