Inspire positive change through the mastery of coaching

Coach Masters Academy

Introducing Coach Masters Academy

Coach Masters Academy was established with a mission to inspire positive change through the art and science of coaching. Our proprietary programmes are geared towards success with empirically based models for coaching. We use a unique combination of theoretical understanding and nurtured skill to enable transformational change in clients and team members.

Our ICF Coach Training is delivered globally in over 40 countries and is recognised as one of the most rigorous in the industry. Your journey towards mastery coaching begins with us.

Who is coach training for?

Transformative Coaching is not only for aspiring Professional Coaches or Life Coaches, it is also for Managers and Executives wanting to develop a ‘Coaching Management Style’. Our training offers a unique opportunity for Leaders to integrate coaching conversations into their managerial skillset.

I’m interested. What is my next step?

Contact us for a free consultation and invitation to observe a live coaching session. For more information visit us at Coach Masters Academy

Retraining as a Professional Coach with Coach Masters Academy deepened my skills and transformed my coaching practices to have greater impact on my clients. I am now a member of the CMA Faculty who train new coaches and those who want to gain new skills to empower people and take their leadership to another level.

Lynley Allan